What Herb thinks
100 Straw Men

I just finished watching Dr. David Reagan, founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries, on Zola's TV show that aired last night. And, you know what, I was disappointed in both men. Well, mostly in Dr. Reagan. He should have known better.

An argument can't be won with 100 straw men. In order to win, you need at least one argument that is valid. From the part of the show I heard, Reagan didn't even present one valid argument against the true Pre-wrath rapture of the church view. All his arguments, in my opinion, were straw men.

But, that's the reality. Most people still don't understand the Pre-wrath position. It took me a long time to understand it. So, most argue against straw men. I find this even sometimes true of some of our evangelical scholars, such as Thomas Ice. So, I really don't blame Zola -- or others -- for going along with it.

Yesterday, I jumped the Trinity Broadcasting Network for dumping Hal Lindsey's TV show. Like I said then, you would have thought the programers could have pulled the plug on one of their so-called prophets. Instead, they yanked the only program that contained solid news about Israel and the revived Roman Empire.

Friends, our world is changing. So, I've decided to change -- not to hold back so much anymore. I don't think we have time to play around. Don't get me wrong, Dr. Reagan and Zola are both good men who are serving their Lord. They're just dangerously misinformed -- as is TBN.

And, 100 straw men can't change that.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.