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In my book, Recommendation 666, I list eight keys that have helped me in my study of Bible prophecy. The last key is, Follow the Road Signs Read about it here. Here's some of what I wrote: Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes we students of prophecy make is failing to recognize the difference between details and prophetic road signs. So my last key is: Follow the road signs. Although God has given us many amazing details of the future in the Bible, we must learn to recognize the difference between details and road signs. When we fail to follow the prophetic road signs, it’s easy to get hung up in the details and go off course. This is how I defined prophetic roadsigns: Prophetic road signs are events that were foretold in Scripture and are now documented in history ... the rebirth of the nation Israel in 1948 was a prophetic road sign. It was foretold by the prophets and is now documented in history. That's why the recent news about all the secular organizations warning about the same things that I wrote about in my book should concern us. Not only that, here we even find a secular organization calling our attention to what it calls, 10 signposts Read about it here. Sound familiar? Friends, what we're seeing is the secular equivalent of my prophetic roadsigns. In my book I point out how then Secretary of State Warren Christopher recommended to then President Bill Clinton that Javier Solana be appointed head of NATO. Since then, I've stumbled on some more information about this historic event. First a little background is necessary: If you recall, not only was Solana tasked with leading NATO's first war against a sovereign nation state, Solana was also tasked with restructuring NATO for the new post Cold War realities. Part of this restructuring was to prepare NATO for expansion into former Soviet territory. Here Solana made a name for himself in diplomatic circles by talking the Soviet leadership into allowing NATO's eastward expansion. And, no one could figure out how Solana managed to do this. After all, NATO was in the process of absorbing its former Warsaw Pact enemies. Upon securing this deal with the Russian Federation, Solana returned to receive a standing ovation from the Western leaders in NATO headquarters (I document these events in my book). Now for the new information. I found it in an article titled, CIA in Yugoslavia Read it here. Although I don't know enough to either agree or disagree with much of what's being discussed, I did find something very interesting. It turns out the CIA may have played a major role in Solana becoming the new head of NATO. The writer states: Clinton then tasked Woolsey to find a new general secretary for NATO. The CIA wanted Javier Solana in that capacity. On November 30, 1995, Javier Solana’s candidacy was officially submitted and chosen. He came to lead NATO in a moment when the organization found itself before one of the greatest and most difficult challenges in its history: to implement the Dayton Peace Plan and to send 60,000 troops into Bosnia-Herzegovina in support of that plan. Other than the CIA's role in choosing Solana, there was nothing extraordinary revealed. Nothing, that is, until we read about something that happened after Solana's selection. It turns out a head KGB spy may have actually played a part in the CIA's recommendation of Solana. We read: Woolsey was replaced when it was discovered that the CIA had in its Department for Soviet Analyses a head KGB spy. In other words, after Solana was appointed head of NATO, as per the CIA's recommendation, a KGB spy was found and the head of the CIA was canned. These events naturally brings up a serious question: Was the barn door shut after the cows got out? And, this brings us to today's news. It seems the European parliament is calling Solana to task over repeated rumors that the CIA is involved in secret operations within EU borders. And, Solana is naturally telling them that he doesn't know anything about it Read about it here. I say naturally because, if Solana was involved in CIA operations, he naturally couldn't say so. In fact, I suspect that's exactly the point that Solana is making to these EU leaders. I believe Solana is basically telling them, if you want me to protect you from the CIA and American influence and interests, you will have to give me more power. Here's the way Solana put it: If we had a constitution, things might have been different but at the moment I cannot work in this area. Friends, even secular organizations have begun seeing the roadsigns. This being the case, one has to wonder what's wrong with our spiritual leaders who continue in denial. It's there job to be warning us. Instead, they're reassuring us. What's going on here? I think I know. 05-03-06