What Herb Thinks
Are These the 10 Toes?

Just when we thought we had all the pieces in place, a news report scattered our end-times puzzle in every direction -- well, almost.

According to this report in the Washington Times, five European nations and five Mediterranean nations have agreed to create a new economic and political block (Read about it here). The plan, called 5 Plus 5, links Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania. In other words, five European nations and five Muslim nations.

For us students of Bible prophecy, this event could be huge. You see, it has long been held by many students the 10 toes on old King Nebuchadnezzar's statue would be five kings from the different legs -- or east/west division -- of the Roman Empire. And, it appears this may be what we are actually now witnessing -- the appearance of five kings from the different legs.

This naturally brings up important new questions for us to consider.

One: In light of this news, have we been wrong thinking the 10-nation Western European Union could be the 10 nations -- or biblical horns-- the Antichrist is to rise from? 

Two: Could the 10 toes on Nebuchadnezzar's statue be different from the 10 horns on the beast that rises from the sea?

At this moment I'm open to both possiblities. Here's why:

For one thing, I've always said I could be jumping the gun about the 10 nation Western European Union. Yet, I felt the facts on the ground were too compelling not to be reported.

And for another, I've also wondered many times if the toes on the statue were different than the horns. Not only has the two leg idea been around for a long time, it makes sense when you're looking for the most literal fulfillment of prophecy.

You see, prophecy is like a photograph of a moment. It gives us a picture of the reality on the ground at the time a foretold event occurs. Prophecy tells us the Antichrist will appear among 10 horns. And, it tells us he will reign with 10 kings and with 10 kings destroy Mystery Babylon with fire near the end of the tribulation period. But, it doesn't tell us everything that will transpire in-between time.

Here's my thoughts: First of all, this 5 Plus 5 agreement is an out-come of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership negotiated for the EU by Javier Solana back in 1995. If you recall, I recently reported the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly. And as pointed out by a reader Chris Modlin, this assembly is a literal north/south revival of the Roman Empire (Read it here). So, we can't ignore the possible prophetic significance of the 10-nation WEU and its Assembly Recommendation 666 that started this all.

When we put it all together, it makes me think the 10 horns responsible for the beginning of the revival of the Roman Empire may be different from the 10 toes on Nebuchadnezzar's statue when Christ returns. The 10 horns could well turn out to be the WEU military alliance and the 10 toes this 5 Plus 5 economic and political union. After all, horns are different than toes.

But no matter how it turns out, these events are fascinating.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2002 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.