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You have to feel a little sorry for the thing. After all, the EU beast is trying to find itself, and instead of helping, its 25 heads are busy fighting among themselves. They say two heads are better than one. But in the case of the EU beast and its identity crisis, one head would be better than 25. This is especially true in the area of directing the beast where to go. You see, foreign policy decisions shouldn't be spread too thin. This is an important area and it requires clear thinking. The EU beast thought its Convention would solve this problem. Here's how: At the time the EU's foreign policy is handled by two agencies, the EU Commission and the Council of Europe. If approved, the new Constitution would have combined the EU's foreign policy into just one agency in the Council of Europe. And, it was to create a powerful new office of EU Foreign Minister to run this agency. Another thing the new Constitution was supposed to do was change the current voting system and removed the member states right to veto. This last part the EU's High Representative Javier Solana really wanted. Why? Because, in Solana's opinion, even if the EU's foreign policy was given to a super Foreign Minister, any one of the 25 member states could still veto what this Foreign Minister wanted to do. The bottom line is this: The EU beast thinks one head is better than twenty five heads. And, it's trying its best to make its little heads understand this. Now the EUobserver is reporting the EU's President Bertie Ahem is once again try to talk Spain and Poland into accepting the new, super EU Constitution Read about it here. After all, you have to feel sorry for the EU beast. 01-26-04