What Herb thinks
#1 To # None

My friend Constance Cumbey called this morning and said Google had suddenly dropped my book, Recommendation 666, from their list of books about Javier Solana See Google's book ranking here. She said if I did a commentary with a graphic from when it was their number one book, Recommendation 666 might just as suddenly reappear. So, I decided to do as Constance suggested and see what happens.

So far FP hasn't been dropped by Google. But, if it happened to my book, that could someday happen to. That's why we who still have hearts for believing the prophecies of Scripture must begin connecting in ways other than through the World Wide Web.

When Constance called, I was already having trouble sorting out my feelings about the morning's news. Israel had once again shocked the world with another accidental killing of innocent Palestinian women and children Read about it here. And, Israel's last few friends in Washington had suffered a potentially fatal pounding at the poles Read about it here. Yes, our world is going to change.

But, I've felt this way before. The last time was when the Berlin Wall fell and I realized that now the foretold revived Roman Empire of Bible prophecy was finally possible. Friends, the winds of power can change that fast. And, when they do, what was #1 can suddenly become # none.

As children of light, we Christians must avoid being drawn into the shadows. No matter what happens around us, our eyes must remain fixed on Jesus. We who know Bible prophecy understand that before things get better for us they're going to get much worse. However, that will only make knowing what's good and true that much more precious. And, when our Lord appears in the clouds, we will appear with Him.

Friends, what I believe we're seeing this morning is a major shift away from what we've known. The world has just slipped even more into the grip of the evil one and there's nothing any of us can do about it. All we can do is what we were supposed to be doing from the beginning -- tell people about Jesus and show them His wonderful and perfect love. And, we need to be warning them about what's to soon come. 

So, if the day has finally arrived when the world no longer recognizes us, it shouldn't be too much of a concern. You see, the only one we should be worried about recognizing us is Jesus on the day that He appears.

We'll go from # none to #1. 

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.