What Herb thinks
2004: What Now?

No sooner had the feathers settles from the failed talks at the EU's December summit, German Chancellor Schroder made it known the battle wasn't over. Schroder said if the EU's new constitution isn't approved by the end of 2004, Germany and certain other EU member states just might create their own "hard core" defense group (Read about it here)  (And here).

If this isn't a threat from a bully I don't know what is. You see, Germany is the biggest kid on the EU block. And, Germany wants its way.

If you recall, the talks collapsed over the issue of what kind of voting system will be used by the new, super EU. Germany wants to see a voting system based more on population. And Germany, naturally, has by far the biggest population.

Spain, on the other hand, wants the current weighted voting system to continue. That's because, under this system, Spain has almost as much clout in the EU as the larger member states.

But wait a minute. How about France? Although France publicly sided with Germany, it has been reported France would rather continue with the weighted voting system too. Why? Because, France would also benefit more from the current system than one based on population.

That's why the recent report about Ilka Schroder so facinated me. Ilka Schroder, you may recall, is a German parliamentarian. And according to her, the EU has begun a "hidden war" against the U.S. in the Middle East (Read about it here).

Here is part of what she said:

For me it is obvious that the Middle East has become one of the most important fields of European military superpower ambitions.

The EU is ... stirring up conflict that it supposedly wants to see resolved by financing one side.

The Palestinians are playing the ugly role of cannon fodder of Europe's hidden war against the U.S.

Like I sad before, "Wow!" It's as if Schroeder knows about the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666. You see, when France and the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, implemented the WEU's Recommendation 666 back in 2000, the EU's "hidden war" against the U.S. began. That's what I wrote my book about, and now it's coming out in the open.

So what's going to happen next? Well, Bible prophecy tells us in the end-times there will be a revival of the old Roman Empire led by a 10-nation alliance. And, the WEU happens to be an alliance of 10 nations within the EU. Not only that, the current weighted voting system continues giving these 10 nations the majority vote in the Council of Europe.

This is what I think: There is much more going on in the EU than what is being reported to us. And this year, 2004, I suspect much more having to do with these 10 WEU nations will come to light. Why? Because, the Bible foretold a 10-nation revival of the Roman Empire.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.