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FulfilledProphecy began reporting the unreported news in February, 2002. The primary mission was to report the events that are recorded in my book, Recommendation 666. The secondary mission was to follow the events to see where they go -- to see if they were, in fact, the actual fulfillments of Bible prophecy. As far as the primary mission is concerned, as of today, if you do a google search using only the number 666, you will find that the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666 is now 44 out of over 22 million results. That wasn't the case back in 2002. In fact, back then, in order to find the document your search would have required more information than just the number. That means, the unreported news is finally getting out -- not only to God's people, but also to the general public. This brings us to FulfilledProphecy's second mission -- to follow the events to see where they go. And, over the last three years, the events continue to go in a direction that indicates they could be the fulfillments of prophecy. This brings us to another year. And, we all -- especially here at FulfilledProphecy -- are wondering what to expect in 2006. One thing that I've always said, if the events that I document in my book are fulfillments of prophecy, than they will lead to a seven-year agreement between the European Union (EU) and Israel. More specifically, between the EU's first High Representative, Javier Solana, and Israel. As you may know, last year, in 2005, we may have uncovered that seven-year agreement. In fact, it was an agreement recorded in my book -- the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace. Today, it has become an agreement between the 25 EU nations and 10 Mediterranean nations. It's literally a covenant with many. However, it's an old agreement that was first negotiated by Javier Solana back in 1995. Now, in order to bring peace to the Mediterranean region, we find Solana wishing to revive, or breathe new life, into his 1995 agreement. So, he has introduced the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP includes action plans that each participating nation must implement to continue receiving ENP benefits. Interestingly, one of the requirements of each action plan is to make peace with other members of the Euro-Med Partnership. As I've been reporting, the seven year part enters the picture on January 1, 2007. This is when the EU's so-called "new" ENP begins. The new ENP will have a new seven-year funding instrument that will included much stronger political and strategic goals and requirements. In other words, whoever is in charge of implementing the EU's new ENP on January 1, 2007, this person could actually be said to be confirming a covenant with many for a period of seven years. If you're a student of prophecy, you know what this could mean (Daniel 9:27). So, we've got a lot to look forward to in 2006. Will we see a new, super EU foreign minister appearing on the scene? If so, will it be Javier Solana? Will we see the Arab nations come to the peace table with Israel as a result of the ENP? Will we see the dollar lose ground to the euro? Will we see another war in the Middle East? If so, will it be with Iran? Will we continue to see the rise of the Russian bear? How about the Chinese dragon? This is the type of news FulfilledProphecy will be reporting. So, stay tuned! (Don't forget, Linda and I still need your support. For speaking engagements, you can contact us at herb@fulfilledprophecy.com, or call 760-379-3343) 01-02-06