2007 was a big year for Bible prophecy. Of course, end-time ministries always say that. So, what made 2007 special? In 2007, the world may have entered the 70th Week of Daniel -- the seven-year time period before Christ's return when all the end-time prophecies will be fulfilled. This is an astounding claim. But it's backed by a biblically sound, logical line of argumentation that culminates in an event which occurred on Jan. 1, 2007. On that day, the European Union launched a seven-year program -- called the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) -- which appears to match to an ancient prophecy found in Daniel 9:27. In this prophecy, we learn that the Antichrist will confirm or strengthen a covenant with many nations, including Israel, for a period of seven years. But he will break it midway through. The ENPI appears to do just that -- it strengthens the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace for seven years. And it has a built-in midterm review -- setting the stage for it to be terminated by the Antichrist after three and a half years. If you're unfamiliar with the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace and the ENPI -- and the prophetic fulfillments leading up to them -- then I really encourage you to get up to speed by reading here. Other 2007 Events At least three other major events occurred in 2007 that support the theory we've entered the 70th Week.
As we enter what may well be Year Two of the 70 Week, the key things to watch in 2008 are the Mideast peace negotiations, the Treaty of Lisbon's ratification process and the Alliance of Civilizations. Watch also for growing religious support of the Alliance of Civilizations, including professing Christians -- as we know they'll play part in the false religious system that will support the Antichrist. Staying tuned! 1-1-2008