As I've said before, if the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 is rising, then the second beast isn't far behind. And this bit of news tells me the cute little thing may be taking its first steps. It looks like the international gang wants to take control of the Internet. Like a big spider, the United Nations wants its own World Wide Web. What does this have to do with the second beast of Revelation 13? Well, if you've read Recommendation 666, you know I believe the UN may be destined to fall under some form of Godless religious control. I believe this because the UN could easily become the institution the coming False Prophet will use to enforce his religious and economic controls. And as I've been reporting, it looks like religious control over the UN may be already in the works. For example: Last July I wrote commentary about a report posted on The report said president Bush was thinking about co-sponsoring a resolution in the Security Council that would establish an Inter-religious Council within the UN (Read about it here). Of course, the problem with this idea from our Christian standpoint is this new UN body would have to promote the so-called inter-faith agenda. It would have to be friendly to all religions -- Christians, Muslims, Jews and whatever else may pop up. Unfortunately Jesus wasn't, and still isn't, friendly to all religions. In fact, He said He came to Israel to cause division -- father against son and mother against daughter. And twice He chased the money changers out of His Father house. (I wish He'd do it again). You see, we're either walking in the light where Jesus is, or we're walking in darkness where the fallen angels are bound waiting for the unwary to stumble in. No, there's no in-between or middle ground between light and darkness. It's one way or the another. Yes, I fear the second beast may be taking its first steps. It wants the Internet under its Godless control. And when this happens, not only will the lights go out in Georgia, they'll go out around the world. We must work while it's still day. 12-08-03