What Herb thinks
9/11 and the Second Beast

Recently I wrote a commentary about where I thought America might fit into these end-times. And evidently, it touched a touchy subject.

Nevertheless, right or wrong I must say what I think. And the recent news seems to suggest I may be right on this issue.

What are my views about America in the end-times? Well, if you recall, I tied America together with the United Nations. And, I placed them both together in Iraq. Here is some of what I said:

Here's what I think: Since all the other actors are now on stage right where they belong, it stands to reason America must have a place somewhere. And since the international gang is also waiting for a place to stand, I suspect the international gang and America will fit together somehow. 

And it looks like that place will be the land of Babel. It's being reported once again America is looking to the United Nations for help in Iraq Read about it here.

Then I said what may have upset some people. I said:

So, I suspect this is where American and the international gang may end up standing together in the final drama. There place will be where it all stared -- in the land Babel. What will they do there? They'll build their city and their tower.

As I write, U.S. President Bush is preparing for tonight's state of the union address. And if you read yesterday's commentary, you already may know what some think he will say. Reuters is reporting Bush will be announcing his plans to use Javier Solana's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership as a platform to bring democracy to the Middle East region Read about it here.

What is Solana's goal with his Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. It's purpose is not only to bring peace and security to the Mediterranean region, but to use the Barcelona Process at the heart of this Euro-Med agreement to bring peace and security globally.

In other words, President Bush may be endorsing Solana World tonight!

Not only that, today's news is filled with reports about how the UN is the only entity who can bring calm to the explosive environment now in Iraq. According to these reports, only the UN has legitimacy in the eye's of the Islamic clerics who are demanding that their religion have a place in the new Iraqi government Read about it here    I   And here.

Looking at this from a strictly biblical and Israeli geo-political perspective, it sure looks like two beasts are rising -- one form the sea (ten-horned Rome Empire), and one from the land -- (two-horned US/UN Iraq).

Of course, there is a religious side to the second beast. We know this because the second beast is called the "False Prophet." But, there is also a religious side to the UN. And as I've explained before, a beast in Bible prophecy is both a king and his kingdom. I suspect the kingdom the False Prophet may use to enforce his religious and economic control will be a restructured UN with a religious element -- possibly even located in Babylon, Iraq.

In Recommendation 666 there's a chapter that begins by saying:

If the first beast of Bible prophecy is to be born from events associated with Recommendation 666, then it is likely the second beast could be born from the world changing events of September 11.

Perhaps tonight we'll find out if I was right.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.