A day doesn't go by that I don't wonder if it's the day I'll be proven wrong. If you've read my book, you know what I mean. I was praying for God to send someone who could show me where my interpretation of prophecy and recent events in European were wrong. Instead, I stumbled on the document that caused the events. It was the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666. To this day, my attitude hasn't changed. I'm still waiting to be proven wrong. And, I warn people that this could still happen. But, in the meantime, what should I do? Should I keep the news to myself? Or, should I report it? I decided to report it, but with a disclaimer -- I could be wrong. I bring this up for my critics. Some have personal agendas -- like teaching different views on prophecy. I believe most, however, have legitimate concerns. One concern is, if I turn out to be wrong, how will the people who have been following this news react? This is my big concern also. But, the way I see it, I don't have any choice. I'd rather end up wrong and having reported it, then right and having kept quite. Some express concern over my qualifications. And, once again, I agree this is an issue. That's why in my book I focus instead on what other respected Bible teachers have taught -- like John Walvoord and J. Dwight Pentecost. The rest, for the most part, is just reporting. Like I've said many times, I'm not a preacher and FulfilledProphecy is not a church. I'm only a reporter. As long as this news continues, I'll continue trying to report it. Speaking of news, here's an interesting bit of information. It seems the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, doesn't get along with the EU's Commissioner for External Affairs, Benita Ferrero-Waldner Read about it here. I didn't know that. But, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. According to this same CER (think-tank) bulletin, there continues to be a power struggle between the EU Council, where Solana works, the EU Commission, where Waldner works, and the EU Presidency -- where someone new appears every six-months. The paper is suggesting these three posts should be combined under, surprise, surprise, Solana. Other reports today are suggesting that the EU's new constitution isn't dead. In fact, the incoming German Presidency is said to be planning on giving the constitution one last push -- this time as a treaty instead of as a constitution Read about it here. If so, again, it will be good news for Solana. If you recall, the constitution calls for the same changes as those suggested in the bulletin. So, any day now, we'll finally know whether I've been right or whether I've been wrong. Either way, today, we're a day closer. 04-07-06