Analysis are now appearing about what happened in Madrid Read one here. If you recall, the Club of Madrid -- made up of former heads of state -- sponsored a conference where the subject was terrorism and what the international community should do about it. Among the personalities and experts attending this conference were American billionaire George Soros, the United Nation's Kofi Annan, the European Union's Javier Solana and Spain's King Juan Carlos. One conclusion of this analysis was as mine. The general mood at this conference was America and Britain were fighting the war against terror all wrong. It was necessary to confront global terror, but not to destroy human rights while doing it. In other words, the international gang gathered in Madrid because they think they can do a better job fighting terror than America and Britain. Think for a moment what this really means. Setting aside all the euro-spin, it means there's another battle raging. It's a battle over who will control the global war against terror -- the US or the international gang. In fact, in my opinion, the issue of human rights is just a pretense to spread the international gang's so-called "rule of law," like a gigantic spider web, all around the world. I've already mentioned, in the EU's on-going revival of the Roman Empire, the battle for control is between the EU institutions and the EU "big three," France, Germany and the UK. As I think about these battles for control of the emerging new world order, I'm reminded of the aerial dogfights that occurred during the first World War. The planes looped and circled each other and, sometimes, the sky was so thick with planes the pilots never knew who or what they'd be shooting at next. Nevertheless, when the dogfights were over, it was usually the most experienced pilots who survived to fly home. So it will be in these confusing battles over the new world order. Only the most experienced at political intrigue will survive. And, I believe the Bible tells us who that survivor will be. It will be the foretold "prince who is to come" (Daniel 9:26). He will subdue three kings (Daniel 7:24). He will make a seven-year covenant with many -- including Israel. He will violate his covenant with Israel 3 1/2 years later (Daniel 9:27). Then, he too will go down in flames (Revelation 19:20). 03-13-2005