What Herb thinks
A Heavy Heart

I once again saw Glenn Beck's interview with Tim Lahaye, Jerry Jenkins and Joel Rosenberg. It left me with a heavy heart. I believe Beck is definitely interested in learning about end-time Bible prophecy. And the fact that CNN decided to re-run the interview suggests that there are many others interested as well. I also believe that Lahaye, Jenkins and Roseberg are very sincere in their beliefs. So, why is my heart heavy? 

My heart is heavy because I know dark clouds are forming and God's people are completely unaware. I also know a single error may be the primary cause for their condition -- their absolute faith in a pre-tribulation rapture. And, I believe that one mistake may have kept our otherwise good prophecy teachers from correctly interpreting today's events.

The events that I write about in my book should have been obvious. After all, students of Bible prophecy have been waiting to see such things for a very long time. Something, however, hid these events from the eyes of those who should have seen them. Now I fear we may be on the brink of reaping the results of our blindness.

In Recommendation 666 I write:

So Solana was given quite a job as the new head of NATO. Not only did he have to win the war in Bosnia, but he also had to restructure NATO for the post-Cold War era. With this restructuring, the Western leaders wanted to make possible their dreams for a new pan-European security arrangement that, if properly shaped, could possibly go global. This was no small task. 

Yet I couldn't help but wonder: Why would we Americans want to make NATO resources available to our European allies for their independent use?  I realized that something big was happening in Europe that the American people didn't know about. 

Again I ask, why would American want this to happen – let alone help it happen?  Perhaps the best man in the Clinton administration to answer that question was the Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott. In July 1992, he wrote an essay for Time magazine titled, "The Birth of the Global Nation," where he revealed that he believed global government is inevitable. 

The following year after the essay was published, he took his post as Deputy Secretary of State under the Clinton administration and helped shape the Clinton foreign policy from the very beginning. In the same essay, Talbott said about federalism, “If that model does indeed work globally, it would be the logical extension of the Founding Fathers’ wisdom, therefore a special source of pride for a world government’s American constituents” (Time, July 20, 1992).

To me it seems likely that Talbott’s views on federalism may have greatly influenced President Clinton and contributed to the idea of NATO expansion as a model for the New World Order (Page 83). 

Now it looks like Javier's Solana global security project may be finally coming full circle. As you may know, the EU and the US are preparing for another big summit next week Monday. And while keeping that in mind, take a look at the image below.

It's scary to me how just one wrong teaching can blind so many. Yet, that appears to be what is happening. But, Jesus told us it would be this way. If you recall, Jesus said the day of the Lord would come upon the world as a thief. And, it looks like it truly is.

That's why my heart is heavy.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.