What Herb thinks
A Little Closer

I was struck by some words. They were on the image sent to me by the people who are putting on The Watchman End Time Symposium that Constance and I are to attend Read about it here. The words were, "Maybe we have not looked closely enough."

These are humble words. At the same time, we are told the symposium's panel will included "Profound Bible Teachers." The teachers listed are A.D. Knight and Elder D. L. Eubanks. No, I don't know these people. But, I'm looking forward to meeting them.

This isn't the first time I've been asked to speak at such an event. But, circumstances never allowed me to go before.

The cost to register for the symposium is ridiculously low. It's only $20.00. If you've ever been to one of these type of events, you know what I mean. It's clear that these people aren't in it for the profit. They appear to be motivated by concern. I like that.

And, I want to go back to those humble words -- maybe we have not looked closely enough. You see, in these final days and hours, we all should be saying that. 

What I mean is, the people who are putting on the symposium are clearly established, Christian leaders. Nevertheless, they have the humility to acknowledge they could be missing something.

So, whether in person, or in spirit, why not join us?

Let's all look a little closer.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.