What Herb Thinks
A Little Help From His Friends

My last commentary was about a DEBKA report that said the European Union's High Representative, Javier Solana, may have just checkmated both Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and United States president George W. Bush in his latest tour of the Middle East  (Read about it here).

How did Solana do it? By proposing to Russian and the Arab leaders the idea of seeking a Security Council Resolution to force implementation of the Road Map.

As I said before, I don't know if the report is reliable. However, my experience tells me this is the type of move we can expect from Solana. And, the fact that Solana didn't bother to heed Sharon's warning not to meet with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat -- and as a result Solana couldn't meet with Sharon -- made me suspect Solana had something else up his sleeve.

Besides, I knew if the report was accurate, we'd soon see signs that such a Security Council Resolution was in the works. And, guess what? We may be already seeing those signs.

The EUobserver is reporting that five EU states are suddenly having a two-day meeting to discuss fighting terrorism (Read about it here). What's interesting to me is who these five states are -- Spain, Britain, Germany, France and Italy. If you recall, all five are members of the EU's new 10 nation military wing under Solana. In fact, these are the most important members and two -- Britain and France -- are permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Question: Is fighting terrorism the only reason these big five are meeting? Or, are they also meeting to discuss Solana's idea? I suspect they are.

Here's why I think this: The EU heads don't believe president Bush at this moment has the political will to push the Road Map on Israel (Read about it here). So, they may well think Bush needs a little help from his friends in the form of a Security Council Resolution.

It'll be interesting to see what develops from this meeting.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.