FulfilledProphecy.Com appeared in February 2002. From the start it featured the information I thought most important. On the right side it said: 1992
(Link provided listing the 10 nations: Belgium , France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece.) 1999
(Link provided to Assembly Recommendation 666). 2004
Like I said, this information has been posted since February 2002. And during that time, we have witnessed many more amazing events -- some events so significant they are changing our world. But when you think about it, if the events I posted in 2002 are in fact the fulfillment of end-times Bible prophecy, other world changing events were to be expected. For example, now we may know how the Antichrist will seduce world leaders into going along with his global agenda. He will say the world must united behind him in order to fight their common enemy -- international terrorism. As I write, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is desperately trying to hold his government together. If you recall, it's all over his Gaza withdrawal plan. He promised President George Bush and the Israeli people a complete withdrawal from Gaza. But if he goes through with his plan, factions within his weak coalition are threatening to pull out and bring down his government. And Sharon isn't the only leader fighting to hold a wobbling coalition together. In the US the re-election of President Bush is in question -- as it is with Tony Blair in Britain and Silvio Berlusconi in Italy. If these elections go wrong for these men, so much for Bush's Iraqi coalition. While these major geo-political events play out, the EU heads are preparing to decide Javier Solana's request. As you know, this month Solana asked that the new office of EU Foreign Minister called for in the new Constitution be given to him in advance of the Constitution entering into force. If he gets what he wants, next November Solana will be given near dictatorial control over the EU's foreign and security policy. This means, besides heading the EU's military wing, he will have the power to negotiate and sign treaties all by himself. His first priority? Two urgent interrelated issues for the EU: Waging the international war against terror and settling the Israeli/Palestinian dispute. In other words, the entire end-times stage could be set up by 2005. We've come a long way since February 2002. 05-30-04