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Why aren't more sermons like the one preached last Sunday by Pastor Randy Bloem of Revival Baptist Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania? (Listen to "Things to Ponder, Part 2.") Bloem challenges his church to ponder and prize the prophecies about Christ's Second Coming -- a teaching neglected in churches today. He urges his church members to have such a great love for their Lord that they long for His return, like a young woman would long for her fiance to return from the war in Iraq so they can get married. He also goes through the many fulfilled prophecies that indicate the Second Coming is near -- from the return of Israel to her land in 1948, to the revival of the Roman Empire under 10 kings and one powerful leader who is connected with the number 666, to Israel's willingness to give up her God-given land in exchange for peace. While I disagree with Bloem about one or two things -- I believe the 70th week of Daniel may already have started Jan. 1, 2007, while he thinks it's still just around the corner, and I'm not convinced the United States' destruction is prophesied in Ezekiel 39:6 -- I'm elated to see a pastor who is warning His flock of the coming tribulation and Christ's soon return. Would that more of our evangelical leaders be awake to the prophecies. Instead, last week, over 80 of them issued a statement applauding the Annapolis Summit last Tuesday and urging Christians to support the division of Israel's land. (Read about it here.) These leaders include many seminary presidents and heads of well-known ministries, like Wheaton College, Fuller Theological Seminary, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Gordon College, Denver Seminary and Christianity Today magazine. According to them, the only way Israel can ever have peace with the Palestinians is to give up her land. Yet, God is angered by attempts to divide Israel's land and says Israel will never have lasting peace until she stops relying on the nations for help and turns to Him. These evangelical leaders remind me of the Jewish religious leaders who failed to recognize the prophecies about Christ's first coming. Not only do they fail to see the signs, they're actually working against God's will. Bloem's message is both convicting and motivating.
If you have time today and especially if you didn't make it to church,
I urge you to listen to it -- and get excited about Christ's Second Coming!