New Yorkers breathed a sign of relief. It wasn't a terrorist attack. Cory Lidle, a pitcher for the Yankees, crashed his single engine airplane into a Manhattan high rise Read about it here. How America has changed. Before September 11, no normal minded American would receive the news about such a tragic accident with relief. No, it's not because our hearts have grown any colder, it's because they have grown a little wiser. As far as the rest of the world's problems were concerned, we Americans felt pretty untouchable. Since September 11, we don't anymore. My book has a chapter titled, 9/11 and the Beast from the Earth. Unfortunately, it's becoming increasingly apparent I may be right. Recently, much of my time has gone to preparing for this month's Watchman Speaks End Time Symposium in Detroit. Last year's presentation dealt mostly with the rise of the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 -- the 10-horned beast from the sea. As I've been bringing together the news from this year, one conclusion becomes obvious -- we are now witnessing the rise of the second beast -- the beast from the earth. Here's where I see some misunderstanding and the need for explanation. In Bible prophecy, a beast is both a king and a kingdom. And, it isn't just any king and kingdom, it's a king and kingdom that rises to have political influence over Israel. When I say we may be witnessing the rise of the two beasts of prophecy (the EU and the UN), I'm not referring to the coming kings of these kingdoms (the AC and the FP) -- I'm only referring to their kingdoms. However, I believe the kings are not far behind. For a student of Bible prophecy, the significance of the facts now on the ground are almost overwhelming. Like I said before, one conclusion is obvious. The entire end-time scenario is before us. Not a piece of it; the whole thing. All that's lacking are the names of the two kings. The strangest part is, I know that this news is something our popular prophecy teachers will be reluctant to report. And, even if they did report it, the majority of America's Christians wouldn't be willing to hear it. You see, I receive calls and emails from individuals who ask if I will be willing to come to their church and speak. When I tell them I will, they say that have to first get the approval of their church leadership. Friends, that's usually the last I hear from them. That's why this year's Watchman Speaks Symposium may be important. If there is anyway you can attend, you should do so. I'm becoming convinced that we may soon be entering Daniel's 70th week. This is not a view that I've come by twisting things around and forcing pieces to fit. It's based on a sound understanding of prophecy and a knowledge of the facts that are now on the ground. Yesterday, when Lidle's plane struck the Manhattan building, we America's were reminded of the day that our world forever changed. Now, we know we're not untouchable. Fortunately, it was just a reminder. 10-12-2006