Traveling close to icebergs can be dangerous. That's because friendly looking icebergs can roll over at any time. When they roll, because most of their huge mass is hidden beneath a calm surface, the event can be surprising and violent. Well, our lull in the prophecy related news appears over. And once again, I'm scrambling to fit the new pieces. While posting the links to this morning's news Read about it here I Here I Here I And here, I struggled for a way to describe what we're seeing. It's obvious that today many of the news reports coming from the Middle East and Europe are, in one fashion or another, related. But, figuring out exactly how they're related isn't always easy. The description that came to mind was, A Web of Peace. I think that's what we're seeing. And, I think Israel is the target. All serious students of Bible prophecy should be standing up and taking notice. These Arab peace summits are unprecedented. So is Israel's desire for bringing about a permanent end to the Palestinian conflict. The interesting thing is, as far as many in the so-called "moderate" world community are concerned, the remaining stumbling blocks to finding lasting peace in the Middle East are religious in nature -- with the Hamas part of the new Palestinian government, and with powerful political elements within American. Perhaps that's one reason Jordan's King Abdulla II will soon be pitching the 2002 Arab Peace Plan before a joint session of the U.S. Congress Read about it here I And here. Friends, I believe we are seeing the end-time prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes. And if so, this naturally brings up many important questions. Right now we'll only consider one: As we see the prophecies being fulfilled, how should we respond to those who are involved? I believe the Bible provides us a clear answer. From the cross, Jesus asked His Father to forgive His killers because they didn't know what they were doing (Luke 23:34). And Paul explains why. He says our enemy is not flesh and blood, but the spiritual powers of wickedness in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). So, we believers today should see things no differently. Yes, I believe we're seeing a web of peace -- false peace -- being spun around Israel, just like the Bible so long ago foretold. If so, it won't be long until all the final events of Bible prophecy will happen. If by now you're not a believer, your odds of experiencing eternal life are growing slimmer by the moment. When Jesus appears, our time of grace will be over; the friendly looking iceberg will suddenly roll. And unbelief and ignorance will be no excuse. 02-24-07