No sooner had the announcement come that Palestinian prime minister Mahmud Abbas was resigning, the European Union announced its decision to label Hamas a terrorist organization. For those of us who are watching these events from afar, the picture is ugly and confusing. The entire southern Mediterranean region is like a political wasteland, devastated for centuries by the wind of broken promises and self-serving interests. The ongoing tragedy in the Middle East reminds me of something my pastor used to say: Sin will always take you farther than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay. I'm sure when each one of those political leaders of the past in the Middle East made their decisions to take some self-serving action contrary to God's law, they never dreamed the resulting effects would go so far, cost so much, and take so long to be resolved. That's why this whole so-called peace process angers me. All we are seeing are new agreements being made with sin. And, all agreements with sin are agreements with destruction and hell. It's being reported the EU's High Representative Javier Solana is now calling for Hamas to stop being a terror organization and become a political organization (Read about it here. Evidently, if Hamas will agrees to Solana's idea, the EU will welcome with open arms the bloody handed Hamas around the Middle East peace table. As I said before, no sooner had the announcement come that Palestinian prime minister Abbas had finally decided to resign -- partly because of the EU's continuing support for Yasser Arafat -- the EU suddenly decided to change its mind and label Hamas a terrorist organization. But that's not all. Immediately following this sudden change of heart, the EU sent Solana to offer Hamas a deal -- quite terror and become a political party with whom the EU can work. In other words, tell Hamas they can lay down their bombs now because they have achieved their goal. And the violence? When will it ever end? The answer, my friend, is still blowing in the Mediterranean wind. When they stop making agreements with sin 09/07/2003