Last week the number of reports related to Bible prophecy from the European Union were down. Suddenly, three interesting articles have appeared. Evidently, behind the scenes there was a whole lot of shaking going on. The first article is about a meeting between Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and German Chancellor Gerhard Scroder (Read about it here) . You may recall, one of Berlusconi's first deeds as the EU's new president was to offend a top German official and establish a deep freeze in the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Well, according to this report, the meeting was an attempt by Berlusconi to thaw things out a bit. How? By going along with Schroder's desire to push through the new constitution with as few changes as possible. This brings us to our second article. You see, British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants to make a lot of changes to the new constitution. Blair says there are certain red lines Britain will not cross. One of these red lines is the EU's 10-nation military wing establishing its own headquarters outside NATO (Read about it here). Blair doesn't want to see this happen. So, when Berlusconi decided to support Scroder about not wanting to make many changes to the constitution, Berlusconi may have signaled his willingness to joint those other anti-American EU states wanting their own military outside NATO. This is especially interesting for students of prophecy when you take into consideration this could for a time, when the smoke settles, leave three nations -- Britain, Spain and Portugal on the outside of the EU's new military wing. Now for the third article. It looks like there may be a move afoot in Washington to give the EU a bigger role in the Middle East peace process (Read about it here). I don't think I need to comment on this too much. However, there is something I should point out. Constance Cumbey has emailed me several articles now showing how Senator Richard Lugar, one of the personalities pushing the idea, is very close to the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana. Yes, from where we sit the EU may have appeared quit. But, behind the scenes there was a whole lot of shaking going on. 08/25/2003