What Herb thinks
Amazon Ranking Reached 6,530

I woke up this morning to quite a surprise. My book, Recommendation 666, had reached the incredible ranking of 6,503 at Amazon.com.

Amazon has millions of books on their list. So the smaller the book's ranking number, the better the book is selling.

To give you an idea what this means, Hal Lindsey's recent new book, Faith For Earth's Final Hour, when I last checked was ranked at 17,608. And his hottest selling book, The Everlasting Hatred, was ranked 6,190!

In other words, for a time there Recommendation 666 was selling at Amazon right along with Hal Lindsey's book!

The reason I find this so incredible is because Recommendation 666 isn't even in bookstores yet. And the only place I know about where it's being promoted is right here at FulfilledProphecy.Com.

So, what's going on? I don't know yet.

Stay tuned!


Now later in the day, Recommendation 666's ranking at Amazon has settled back down to about where it was before. At last check, it was at 63,493. So, what happened that shot my book's ranking up to 6,520 this morning?

Oh well, it was sure fun seeing Recommendation 666 up there with the big sellers -- even if only for awhile.


Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.