What Herb Thinks
America's Babylon

First it was Javier Solana's Euro-Mediterranean free trade area, now it's George W. Bush's US-Mediterranean free trade area (Read about it here).

As I've been reporting, Solana's plan calls for a free trade area to be established between the European Union and the Mediterranean area by 2010. Now, it appears the Bush administration wants an American free trade area over the Mediterranean by 2013.

Here's why this development is so fascinating: In the Old Testament book of Daniel, the prophet saw four beasts rising from the sea. These beasts represented four Gentile kingdoms that, from Daniel's day, God would allow to rise over Israel -- Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. Since there were only four beast kingdoms, it's been commonly believed someday Rome would return. And, as you know, it is returning in the modern European Union.

In the New Testament book of Revelation, however, we see two beasts rising over Israel in the end-times -- the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth (Rev. 13). The kingdom of the first beast from the sea is easily identifiable by its 10-horns as the same beast Daniel saw -- Rome. The kingdom of the second beast from the earth, however, has not so easily been identifiable.

In Scripture, the name Babylon is often used for whatever power controls things. For example, it is my opinion the Apostle Peter was referring to Rome when he said, "She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings" (1 Peter 5:13 New American Standard Bible). So, the title Babylon for a city or nation may move depending on the power that controls things. My point is: I believe today America is the modern Babylon.

And, this is what makes America's occupation of Iraq so incredibly interesting. You see, the ancient city of Babylon is now under American control. And, if you've been following my commentaries, you know that I've been expecting this event to happen since the first Gulf War.

Here's why: America is the "melting pot" of the nations. America is the first place where all the nations God scattered at the Tower of Babel have successfully been able come back together. And, after the second World War, America created the United Nations in the American image.

Now, at long last, American power has returned these scattered nations back to their ancient land of origin in Iraq. And, it looks like America plans on establishing a permanent presence for herself and the UN in the region through the occupation of Iraq.

If this weren't enough to identify America and the UN with the Babylon of Revelation, we suddenly have another reason to think this way -- president Bush's plan to establish a US-Mediterranean free trade area.

You see, Solana's plan for a free trade area for his revived Roman Empire with the Mediterranean is to be established by 2010. Bush's plan for a US free trade area over the region is to be established a few years later by 2013.

So, from Israel's perspective, it's happening just as the Bible foretold. First will come the beast from the sea -- the EU's revived Roman Empire, and then will come the beast from the earth -- America's Babylon.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.