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It's Memorial Day in America. This is when we Americans honor our war dead. Started by a veterans group after the Civil War, this somber day of of rememberance has survived to commemorate all America's fallen that have followed. Speaking of veterans groups, the motorcycle veterans organization known as Rolling Thunder is in Washington Read about it here. So is the the famous rock and roll band from the sixties, Paul Revere and the Raiders. If you haven't seen them perform, I recommend them. Not only are they great fun to watch, their act is clean. If you want to see a picture of the real America, this is it. In my opinion, it says it all. In the foreground you see a rugged biker standing guard. In the background you see the conservative Donald Rumsfeld. Both are looking in the same direction. Although so different from each other in style and stature, they appearing united in resolve and purpose. This is the real America. We Christians have a day of remembrance too. It's the day we come together for what's called the Lord's Supper or Communion. On this day, we remember our Lord's death and resurrection by coming together and sharing a small piece of bread and cup of wine. Some may substitute other elements that represent the bread and the wine. But, the meaning remains the same. What we're doing is what our Lord did with His disciple just before His death on the cross. Since that first supper, we Christians have had many fallen to remember too. Unfortunately, I believe we are soon going to have many more. You see, the rejection of EU's new constitution won't go without a response from Brussels. At the coming June summit, the EU heads will throw out their previous agenda and decide their next move. Friends, this is when I suspect our next major war could begin. You see, when it's time to establish blame, guess where it will fall. It will fall on us. After all, we're the ones -- we Bible believing Christians -- who are always warning everybody about what's really going on in Europe. Today, we Christians in the Western nations are protected. But, if some have their way, that protection could soon be lifted. Already the West's war against terror is taking many casualties. It's not a far step to simply add us to the ever growing list. For example, I want you to to notice the reaction the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, had to France's rejection of the EU's new constitution. The constitution granted Solana exceptional new powers. So, it's understandable he would be disappointed. But, I think what Solana said reveals more than just a little disappointment. You see, according to this report, Solana just told the voters of Europe what he told Israel. He basically said, he was going to get his new powers, whether they liked it or not. The report says: Solana stressed that the EU diplomatic service - still in its infancy and forseen under the new constitution - will see the light of day in any case. "There is no reason to doubt that sooner or later the EU will have its own diplomatic service and everyone must get used to the idea"Read about it here. Today, the EU is made up of three primary institutions -- the Council, the Commission and the Parliament. The diplomatic service and external action service that Solana is busy building -- with, or without, the constitution -- will basically be a fourth. In fact, it is feared by some, including the current president of the Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, that this new agency may become more powerful than the Commission. That's why Barroso and others want Solana's new agency contained within the Commission. But, no matter where it resides, it is easy to see how the balance of power in the EU could tip ever more in Solana's direction -- whether people like it or not. In the meantime, it's Memorial Day in America. We're still free and we're still willing to die for what we believe in. In the same way, when that final war comes, the one foretold in the Bible, we Christians will be ready too. Not just in America, but all around the world. And, we'll remember. 05-30-2005