As all the end-times actors step on the world's stage, one actor appears a bit out of place. That actor is America. Where will America fit in this final drama that is about to begin. We see Israel, just as foretold. And the Roman Empire -- horns and all -- is standing there too. China is where she is supposed to be. And the international gang have all arrived and are waiting to be told where they can stand. But, where does America fit? Here's are problem: Unlike the other end-time's actors, the Bible doesn't clearly mention America. But is does mention Israel, Rome and the international gang. This being the case, many prophecy students believe something may happen that will move America off the world's stage. Yet I can't help thinking about America's occupation of Iraq -- the land of the biblical Tower of Babel, and the land of that old, great city of Babylon. That's because, in many places, Babylon is mentioned in the Bible as an important end-times actor. Here's what I think: Since all the other actors are now on stage right where they belong, it stands to reason America must have a place somewhere. And since the international gang is also waiting for a place to stand, I suspect the international gang and America will fit together somehow. And it looks like that place will be the land of Babel. It's being reported once again America is looking to the United Nations for help in Iraq (Read about it here). Here's the picture I can't get out of my mind. According to the Bible, all the nations of Earth where created when God scattered the builders of the Tower of Babel by confusing their languages. God didn't like what they were doing, and He stopped them (Genesis 11:1-9). What were they doing that God didn't like? They were attempting to build a one-world city, and a one-world tower. In other words, a one-world government and a one-world religion. So, God scattered these builders over the face of the Earth. And, every time they started to rebuild their city and tower, God stopped them again. But the Bible tells us, in the end-times, God will stop restraining them (2 Thessalonians 2:7-8). He will step back for a time and allow them to have their dream -- their global city and tower. Now it's interesting to note where these nations first started coming together. They first started coming together in America -- the melting pot of the nations. And, it's interesting to note how the UN was created in the image of the United States -- a democracy of nation states. But what's mind blowing is that this same America is now occupying the land of Babylon and the Tower of Babel. Not only that, but America is attempting to bring the UN into Iraq too. So, I suspect this is where American and the international gang may end up standing together in the final drama. There place will be where it all stared -- in the land Babel. What will they do there? They'll build their city and their tower. 01-16-04