What Herb Thinks
Babylon: An American Empire?

One of the problems we students of prophecy face is weeding out speculation from what the prophecies actually say. 

Most of us have benefited from all the great books that have been written on the subject of prophecy. But, the problem with these books is they tend to lock into concrete the authors understanding as it was at the time the book was written. 

In the mean time, events on the ground change and the author, if writing the same book, would write it different than the first time to reflect the new information. 

This brings us to one of the mysteries of Bible prophecy, who is the end-times Babylon referred to in the New Testament book of Revelation? Over the years, there has been much speculation about this. Now, I believe that mystery may be coming to light. 

In the Bible, the name Babylon is often used for whatever power controls things. For example, it is commonly held that the Apostle Peter was referring to Rome when he said, "She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you,  sends you greetings" (1 Peter 5:13 New American Standard Bible). 

So, the title Babylon for a city or nation may move depending on the power that controls things. My point is, I believe at this time Babylon is America. 

Think about it: America is the first place the nations God scattered at the Tower of Babel have been able to come back together, and it worked. 

And the United Nations was created by America, in America's own image. So, I believe the UN may become the Babylon of Revelation. And, this would explain why the description of the Babylon in Revelation seems to fit America so well. 

In other words, the end-times Babylon of Revelation may well be the American global empire many experts say we are now seeing being created. 

And what makes America's coming war with Iraq so incredibly interesting to me is that the ancient city of Babylon is actually located under the southern no-fly zone in modern Iraq. In other words, America already controls the skies over the ancient city of Babylon. 

Will America soon occupy this city on the ground also? And, will America hand Iraq and the city of Babylon over to the UN for peacekeeping and nation building. 

If so, we'd certainly have another amazing, literal, fulfillment of Bible prophecy – the nations God scattered at Babel finally reuniting and returning to their ancient homeland – the Babylon of the book of Revelation.

 And, it would be an American empire. 

Revised 10-11-02

Copyright 2002 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.