The Bible tells us Mary Magdalene and some other women went to Jesus' tomb and found it empty. While they were trying to understand what happened to Jesus' body, two angels appeared and asked an interesting question. They asked the women why they were looking among the dead for someone who was alive (Luke 24:5). Have you ever stopped to think that we who love Jesus today also walk among the dead? You see, in the Bible a person can be enjoying all the pleasures that their physical life can give them and still be described as dead -- dead spiritually. That's the importance of the resurrection message. And as sure as Jesus rose from the grave, He will return to earth. In the meantime, we who love Him have a job to accomplish. When Jesus came the first time, He came according to prophecy. That's what the four Gospel records are about. When Jesus comes the second time, once again it will be according to prophecy. That's what I believe we are about -- to warn the dead, unbelieving world. Some continue to teach that we Christians won't be here when the prophecies begin to be fulfilled. Yet, most agree that the first great sign of end-time prophecy was the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Jesus told us that the generation that sees the first fulfillment of end-time prophecy, will see the entire series of fulfillments. I was alive when Israel was reborn. I'm sixty now. Friends, think about it: If the long series of events that I've been reporting are not the fulfillments of the end-time prophecies, how many more generations will it take for the geo-political stage to be set so perfectly again? Some like to say that they are looking for Jesus, not the Antichrist. I must admit, what they say sounds very spiritual. Unfortunately, it's not what Jesus (Matt.24:9-31), Paul (2 Thess. 2:1-4) and John say (1 John 2:18). These say, that before Jesus returns, the Antichrist will come first. And for almost two thousand years of church history, this is the way end-time prophecy was taught. Friends, we must communicate the life of Jesus as long as we have breath. When we think our physical well being is more important than the spiritual life of others, we have set our interests in the wrong places. We walk among the dead. 01-26-07