What Herb thinks
AOC: Solana's Better World?

Today's commentary was slow coming because, as I said before, researching the UN's new Alliance of Civilizations has been like falling into an ocean of new information. And, if you recall, I also said it was more important now than ever for us students of Bible prophecy to keep our feet on the Rock of God's Word. Here's another reason why:

Whether we admit it or not, we all put our own spin on things. The only question is, who's spin is the closest to the truth. This is where the light of prophecy can come in. You see, the Apostle Peter tells us that the prophetic word is like a lamp shining in a dark place. In fact, Peter also says -- despite what some argue -- that we had better pay attention to it (2 Peter 1:19). 

Yet, that's not all Peter says. He also tells us to be careful in our study of prophecy. Peter says:

But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (2 Peter 1:20-21 New American Standard Bible).

What Peter is saying is what I've been saying. We need to keep our feet on the Rock of God's word. Have you ever heard someone say if the Holy Spirit doesn't move them, they move the Holy Spirit? I have. And, every time I hear it I think of Peter's words -- "no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will."

You see, as I was saying before, we all put our own spin on things. That's why we need to renew our minds according to God's word. That way, when we spin things, to the best of our ability we spin things according to God's word. Now, here is my spin on the Alliance of Civilizations (AOC).

If you have read my book, you may recall I mention Javier Solana's new security doctrine for the European Union, A Secure Europe In A Better World. Well, what I'm finding is that the AOC is actually Solana's security doctrine in action. Let's take a look at certain parts of Solana's strategy. Notice in particular what I have highlighted. What's in brackets I added.

A Secure Europe In A Better World


Building Security in our Neighbourhood

The Mediterranean area generally continues to undergo serious problems of economic stagnation, social unrest and unresolved conflicts. The European Union's interests require a continued
engagement with Mediterranean partners, through more effective economic, security and cultural
cooperation in the framework of the Barcelona Process. [The covenant with many?] A broader engagement with the Arab World should also be considered. [Reason for the AOC?]


In a world of global threats, global markets and global media, our security and prosperity
increasingly depend on an effective multilateral system. The development of a stronger
international society, well functioning international institutions and a rule-based international order
is our objective. We are committed to upholding and developing International Law. The fundamental framework for international relations is the United Nations Charter. The United Nations Security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Strengthening the United Nations, equipping it
to fulfill its responsibilities and to act effectively, is a European priority. [Another reason for the AOC?]

See pdf here

Last June the EU held its June summit. As I read the Council's conclusions, I noticed something interesting -- it was exactly as Solana suggested in his new doctrine. The EU's promoting of the so-called "dialogue between cultures" -- which is what led to the AOC -- is to be promoted through existing mechanisms. And, the first mechanism mentioned is the Barcelona Process. Next is the Anna Lindh Foundation that was later added to the Barcelona Process. Then comes the AOC. It was happening exactly according to Solana's security strategy. Solana said, "The European Union's interests require a continued engagement with Mediterranean partners, through more effective economic, security and cultural cooperation in the framework of the Barcelona Process." In other words, the AOC is another addition into the framework of Solana's 1995 Barcelona Process. And, it was also implementing his call for a new international order. So you can see what I mean, let's take a look at that part of the document.

15/16 JUNE 2006

The European Union will continue to actively promote the dialogue between cultures and civilizations through all existing mechanisms, including the Barcelona Process, the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Alliance of Civilizations. Particular emphasis will be given to the role that free media and civil society as well as their promotion can play in this regard.

But, that's no all I found. Look at what follows.

The European Council welcomes the meeting with leading representatives of churches and religious communities organized by the Presidency and the European Commission in Brussels on 30 May 2006.

The European Council welcomes the conclusion of the Inter-Institutional Agreement on the Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 providing the Union with the means to carry through its policies and stresses the importance of rapidly adopting the necessary legal instruments.

Once again, we're seeing the inclusion of the religious element. And, once again we are seeing everything that's happening in the EU being fitted in to a seven-year time frame. For us here at FP, this naturally makes us think about the EU's new European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) that is due to start on January 1, 2007. Let's see what the document has to say regarding the ENP.


The European Council reiterates the importance it attaches to the European Neighbourhood Policy as a means to strengthen cooperation with its neighbours and expand prosperity, stability and security beyond the borders of the European Union. The European Neighbourhood Policy seeks to support the political and economic reforms of neighbouring countries on the basis of partnership and building on shared values. The Union is determined to strengthen and further develop its Neighbourhood Policy, thus offering an increasingly close relationship and substantial support, as neighbouring countries fulfill their commitments to reform.

See pdf here

Doesn't that word, "strengthen," sound a lot like "make strong," or, "confirm?" And, doesn't it look like the strengthening is for the EU's Barcelona Process, the ENP and AOC? Another thing to consider is the fact that the strengthening is to be for a period of seven-years beginning in 2007. If things go as planned in the UN, the AOC's war against fundamentalism should begin in full sometime around 2010. And, on top of everything else mentioned, the man behind all this is politically connected -- in two places -- to the number 666.

Or, is this all just my spin?

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.