What Herb thinks

It's hard to believe -- over 50,000 dead. This is about the same number of American lives that were lost in 10 years of war in Viet Nam. Here approximately the same number of innocent men, women and children were dead in only a few hours. Reuters David Fox correctly described this shocking event as "apocalyptic" Read about it here.

What does this mean? We can't help but ask. Why would God allow such mega tragedy? Well, I don't know. The only thing I do know is that, for whatever reason, He did allow it. And, we all need to face this fact square on.

Over the years in my study of Bible prophecy I've discovered a few things. For one thing, I've realized much of our popular view today is based on well-intended speculations. And for another, the smoothest road is not necessarily the correct course.

The fact is, we all want to be encouraged. We want to feel safe and secure in our world. Unfortunately, as followers of Christ, that can't always be the case. Sometimes we have to follow Him where we may not wish to go. This has been my recent experience in Bible prophecy. 

You see, we believers in Christ may need to start facing up to a few unpleasant realities. We may be nearing the point where comfortable discipleship is no longer possible. If so, we need to find out what God is doing in our day and start using it for His purpose. For everything there is a reason -- even when things look dark and hopeless. God is still in control.

Perhaps we are approaching that day Jesus spoke about. If so, this terrible earthquake could be just the beginning. Jesus said:

There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken (Luke 21:25-26 New American Standard Bible).

If we are approaching that day Jesus warned about, we need to declare it to the nations. You see, the Bible also tells us, in that day, all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Friends, over 50,000 souls just perished in only a few hours.

Now is the time to be saved.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.