Scripture indicates the Christian Church will be in a state of sleep just before the Lord returns. Matthew records Jesus saying: Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, "Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him" (Matthew 25:1-6 New American Standard Bible). Friends, I think this may be where we are today. I believe we're nearing the time of the end, and the Church has gone to sleep just like Jesus predicted. If this were not the case, it's my opinion, the prophetic events we're witnessing today wouldn't be happening. It's also my opinion I wouldn't be having such a hard time getting the information out to the public. Here's why I say this: As I write, at the helm of this powerful nation are many Christian men and women doing the best they can. But, they too are victims of this end-time sleep. For the most part, their Christian leaders and teachers haven't placed the proper importance on the subject of Bible prophecy. Why haven't they placed due importance on the subject? I think it's partly because they don't think we Christians will be here anyway. So, why spend valuable time on a controversial issue that won't make any difference anyway? But, what if they had? What if the spiritual leaders of our national leaders would have placed the proper importance on Bible prophecy? For one thing, I sure don't think international observers would be allowed to monitor our next presidential election Read about it here I And here. From a prophecy point of view, this idea is totally absurd. It's like letting a group of foxes guard the chickens. This brings us to what I really wanted to say. I've been getting a lot of angry email from people over my recent challenges to the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. One person said, if I was really rapture neutral, I wouldn't be attacking the pre-trib view all the time. So, let me say once again, I'm not against the pre-trib view. I'm only against the way some are teaching it today. It's being taught as something more than it is -- as if it's a proven fact and not just an educated guess. And, if the guess turns out wrong, these leaders will have a lot to regret. They will regret they didn't properly inform their nation's leaders. And, they will regret they didn't prepare their followers to be ready for the possibility of entering into the tribulation. There will be many a babe in Christ without enough oil, just like Jesus said. That's why I've been attacking the pre-trib view. The Church has fallen asleep. Asleep on a guess. 08-09-04