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This could turn out to be an important election. According to these reports Read about it here I And here, Chancellor Gerhard Schroder may actually pull off an amazing comeback in the coming German election. Why is this important? Because, if you recall, it may be possible the EU's so-called "big three," the UK's Tony Blair, France's Jacques Chirac and Germany's Gerhard Schroeder, could become the three horns that Bible prophecy says are destined to be pulled. The Jewish prophet Daniel saw four beasts rising from the sea. Beasts, in Bible prophecy, are Gentile kings and their kingdoms that rise over God's little nation Israel. Regarding the fourth and last beast we read: After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns (Daniel 7:7 New American Standard Bible). As you know, many suspect the revival of the old Roman Empire that we're now witnessing in the modern European Union may be the fulfillment of the of the fourth beast of prophecy. And, the 10 horns may have appeared in 1995 when Greece became the tenth nation of a military alliance known as the Western European Union. The next verse adds more to help us identify this fourth beast. Daniel says: While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts (Daniel 7:9). As I said before, the 10 horns may be the Western European Union when it became 10 nations in 1995. The little horn of prophecy may have appeared in 1999, when Javier Solana became the first High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy for the European Union. You see, Solana also became Secretary General of both the European Union and Western European Union -- the 10-nation alliance. If so, if this is the fulfillment of the prophecy about the rise of the fourth beast, then we should expect to see three of the first horns pulled by the little horn. This brings us back to the EU's big three. You see, since the EU became 25 nations in 2004, the EU's big three -- the UK's Blair, France's Chirac and Germany's Schroeder -- have formed a directorate in order to protect their interests and control the EU's foreign and security policy. Yet, as I said before, since 1999, the EU's foreign and security policy was to be under the controlled of Solana, not the EU's big three. And, all three of these big three leaders were already on the scene in 1999 when Solana first appeared. They were, and still are, also members of the 10-nation alliance. Here's my point: The prophecy of Daniel states that three of the "first horns" were "pulled", or, later in chapter seven, it says three kings were "subdued," by the little horn. In other words, scripture indicates that the horns pulled by the little horn were leaders who were on the scene when the little horn appeared. And, all three leaders -- Blair, Chirac and Schroeder -- were already on the scene in 1999 when Solana appeared. Now, if one of these three leaders were to be removed from the political scene simply by losing an election, how could we say they were "pulled," or, "subdued," by the little horn? I don't think we could. That's why a Schroder comeback may be so amazing. Only last week, Schroder's chances of winning his reelection were zero. Now, we're learning he may actually pull if off. Yes, this German election could be important. Schroder could pull it off, only to get pulled. 09-11-05