What Herb Thinks
Back to the WEU

We're becoming quite a community here at FulfilledProphecy.Com. Thanks to input from a reader named Mark Gilmore, I discovered the five Mediterranean nations in this new 5 Plus 5 union -- Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania -- are from the Western leg of the old Roman Empire, not the Eastern leg (See West leg here).

If you recall, in my last commentary I said:

For us students of Bible prophecy, this event could be huge. You see, it has long been held by many students the 10 toes on old King Nebuchadnezzar's statue would be five kings from the different legs -- or east/west division -- of the Roman Empire. And, it appears this may be what we are actually now witnessing -- the appearance of five kings from the different legs.

Boy was I wrong! All 10 nations in this 5 Plus 5 union are from the Western leg. I was mistakenly equating their north/south relationship to each other with the East/West legs of the Roman Empire. Thanks Mark for bringing this to my attention.

Nevertheless, we still have another group of 10 nations to fit somewhere in our end-times puzzle. So, could these 5 Plus 5 nations be the foretold 10 horns the Antichrist will rise from?

It's possible. But since they're not five from each leg of the old Roman Empire like I first thought, we can't use King Nebuchadnezzar's dream to support this 5 Plus 5 group over the the first group we've been watching -- the 10 Western European Union nations.

Here's what I think: Considering we've already seen so many amazing fulfillments of Bible prophecy associated with the 10 WEU nations and Solana (Read about it here), I'll be keeping two eyes on the WEU and Solana, and one on the 5 Plus 5 nations.

That makes me have three eyes ...

Well, you know what I mean.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.