What Herb thinks

I can't help but think anyone who calls the UN cease-fire Resolution anything but a defeat for Israel is either dishonest or mentally challenged. So, where does that leave our President George Bush? As you may know, Bush is calling the cease-fire a victory for Israel.

And, the funny thing is, just yesterday I overheard Bush being asked what he thought about Hezbollah calling the war a victory for their side. Bush answered that he didn't blame them. He said he would do the same thing. Humm ...

As I write, I'm hearing about mega pastor Rick Warren wanting to change the world through social activity. Although a nice idea, too bad it won't work. Israel is being accused of violating the cease-fire while Hezbollah is rearming. Iran is having war games and North Korea may be preparing to explode a nuclear bomb. Israeli Prime Minister Olmert may be on the ropes over this war Read about it here and today France landed only 49 troops into Lebanon. It's being reported the reason France and Germany are pulling back is to allow more Islamic troops into the international peacekeeping force Read about it here.

Friends, there's only one word for what I'm thinking. You see, Israel has only one friend and that friend is calling this cease-fire a victory for Israel. Dishonest or mentally challenged?

Either way, the word I'm thinking is betrayed.......

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.