What Herb thinks
Bible Code

I may have been away too long. I never stopped to think that if I posted Constance's Power Point presentation on Javier Solana and the Bible code, I'd be seen as endorsing the Bible code stuff. I wasn't, and I don't. So, I took the link down.

Constance doesn't endorse the Bible code either. She always makes that very clear. She was just wanting to share something that she, and many others, found interesting.

The bottom line is, there is danger with things like the Bible code. We risk straying from the clear surface meaning of Scripture. We already have enough trouble with this. Take for example the passage where the Apostle Paul says the Antichrist will come first, before we see the Lord (2 Thess. 2:3). I believe many of us have found a way to avoid the clear surface meaning here. I'm probably guilty in other places.

So, if I offended anybody by posting Constance's Bible code presentation, please forgive me. Again, neither I, nor Constance, promote the the Bible code.

We already have all we need.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.