Perhaps one of the most amusing things for me is how the EU's leaders in Brussels like to use Euro-spin. Euro-spin is saying one thing, and meaning something else. In this case they're employing it to cover their EU beast's lust for empire. They're calling it "Wider Europe." And if you recall, only last October we learned about the EU's "Wider Middle East." But, what do the EU officials really mean? They mean their EU beast wants a bigger cup of more ... more ... more! And an empire it will be. If things go as expected, the EU will soon included up to 40 nations and its economic and political influence will reach all the way to the Caucasus, through the Balkans and down into the Mediterranean region Read about it here I And here. And where will little Israel fit into this ever growing monster? It will fit where the Bible tells us. Israel will make a seven-year agreement with the EU beast, an agreement the EU beast will soon break. And why will the EU beast break its agreement with Israel? For a bigger cup of more. 01-28-04