What Herb Thinks
Blair's Uneasy Smile

Have you figured out British Prime Minster Tony Blair yet? I sure haven't. In my commentaries I've gone from criticizing him, praising him, and just last October criticizing him again. Now once again I am wanting to praise him. It's making me dizzy.

The first time I criticized Blair I said I thought he was a good ventriloquist. I said while Blair is telling the British people he is gradually signing away their national sovereignty, he's able to make it look the he's not the one talking. He makes it look like the EU bureaucrats in Brussels are the ones who are talking.

Later I praised Blair for standing along side America in the Iraqi war even though it possibly meant political suicide for him back home. Then last October, I once again criticized Blair when he surprised Washington by seemingly throwing in British support to the EU's anti-American factions who want to create an independent EU military command outside NATO.

Now here I am, I'm wanting to praising Blair again.

According to the recent reports, unless changes are made to the EU's new Draft Constitution, Blair is planning on using his veto to block the EU's new constitution all together. What changes does Blair want made? Well, we should have known. Blair wants changes to the proposed constitution that would keep the member states, and not the EU, in charge of issues he thinks important to national sovereignty -- such as taxation and foreign and security policy (Read about it here  I  And here).

Here's why this may be important to us at FulfilledProphecy. If what we're seeing is the rise of the 10 kings in the form of the Western European Union military alliance, it stands to reason the nations who make up this alliance would not want to give away their power to a supra-national organization they can't control.

As I see it, here's the WEU alliance's problem. The new Draft Constitution calls for a new mutual defense agreement that includes all 25 EU member states. Furthermore, it calls for this new defense zone to be under EU control. In other words, if the Constitution is accepted as is, it would mean these 10 nations that now make up the EU's military wing would have to set aside their obligations under the modified Brussels Treaty and the WEU alliance would come to an end.

Not only would this be an impractical thing to do, the Bible prophecies suggest to me it won't happen. And, it looks like there is already a change occurring to accommodate the WEU nations. It's being reported the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, has already "watered down" his new defense doctrine for the new, super EU (Read about it here).

Why is this interesting to us? Not only is Solana probably going to be the new, super EU's foreign minister, Solana is also the head of the WEU 10-nation alliance. And as former head of NATO, he understands the strategic importance to keep these 10 NATO nations together.

Here's what I think: When Tony Blair met with French president Jacques Chirac, Blair bluntly told Chirac Britain had no intentions to set aside the modified Brussels Treaty and submit British security to an EU superstate under French and German control. And despite the smile on Chirac's face, I believe the uneasy smile on Blaire's face may tell it all -- the 10-nation WEU wants to remain the EU's military wing. If not, there may be no new, super EU at all. 

Yes, I think things are falling into place. Events are occurring that suggest the end-times prophecies are about to be fulfilled. And, once again, nobody seems to be noticing.

Stay tuned.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.