The moment I heard about this so-called "Geneva Accord," I suspected a European Union connection. And sure enough, according to this report, it appears this peace plan negotiated by the Israeli left was drafted under British Prime Minister Tony Blair's sponsorship (Read about it here). Like I said in a recent commentary, the primary reason this peace plan bothers me so much is because it gives way Israel's sovereignty over the Temple Mount to the Palestinians. And, looking from a Bible believer's perspective, such a move can only be seen as a final act in Israel's self destruction. Why doesn't it surprise me Blair and the EU may be involved in this plan? Because, according to the Bible prophecies, I believe the EU will bring the destruction. In Daniel 9:27 we learn that a Roman prince -- the coming Antichrist -- will make a seven-year agreement with Israel, which he will violate 31/2 years later. And, this will lead Israel to destruction. In fact, I believe the Apostle Paul was thinking about this false peace deal when he said: “While they are saying, ‘Peace and safety!’ then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 New American Standard Bible). Here's my point. The Israeli left are the ones in Israel who are saying, "Peace and safety!" You see, since 1992 it has been the Israeli left who have been attempting to make peace with the Palestinians by giving away the land Israel captured in the 1967 Six Day War. On the other hand, the Israeli right are the ones against giving away the land. And after the collapse of the Clinton administration sponsored peace talks at Camp David, the Israeli left fell from power and the Israeli right has been in control. However, thanks to the Blair sponsored Geneva Accord, the Israeli left may be making a political come-back (Read about it here). In other words, Israel may soon again be saying, "Peace and safety!" And, you know what this means. Stay tuned! 10-15-03