American's, for the most part, love British Prime Minister Tony Blair. It's not because of Blair's politics. It's because when President Bush decided to go against the wishes of the international gang and send America's sons and daughters to war in Iraq, Blair stood beside him. Yet Blair's stand wasn't without cost. The fact is, the majority of the British people were against America's war in Iraq. And this placed Blair's government in somewhat of a vulnerable position in next years elections. But now it's worse for Blair. The Madrid bombings have changed the political balance in Europe in dramatic ways. The fear of terrorism has captured the hearts of the EU heads and caution is being thrown to the wind. Like it or not, super EU is coming. And the only thing Blair can do now is sign on. The question is, how will the British people react to Blair's decision to sign on to the EU's new Constitution in next years election? As you know, the Madrid bombings have already brought down one pro-American government in Spain. Will the after effects of the bombings bring down another one in Britian? Will Blair be next? 03-26-04