What Herb Thinks
Round 2: Bush and the Weasels

It looks like the Bush administration is preparing for its second round with the weasels in the United Nations Security Council. The weasels, of course, are those anti-American factions with-in the European Union championed by France.

The first round was over a US and British sponsored resolution requesting UN authorization of force against Iraq for failing to comply with the weapons inspectors. Although it was known not everybody agreed with the resolution, it was widely understood in diplomatic circles that when the vote was cast, France and Germany would support the vital interests of their most important ally the US.

But, they didn't. In fact, when the vote was over and the smoke settled on the floor of the Security Council, it became apparent France and Germany had actually led the US into a clever trap. It turned out the Bush administration was led to believe it could secure a Security Council resolution by a very deceived Colin Powel. The result was not only a great diplomatic humiliation for the US, but it forced the US to start the Iraqi war without legitimacy from the international community. The press even had a name for what France and Germany did to the US. They called it "Operation Mirage."

Now it looks like the UN Security Council is preparing itself for another round between the Bush administration and those anti-American factions in the EU now fondly referred to as the "Axis of Weasels."

It's being reported America is serious about securing help from the international community in Iraq. So, once again the Bush administration is going to the UN seeking a resolution from the Security Council (Read about it here).

Unfortunately, it's also being reported not all the faces around the Security Council table share in Washington's seriousness. In fact, they say the weasels are grinning.

I think I hear a bell.

Round 2: Bush and the weasels.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.