What Herb Thinks
When Bush Comes to Shove 2

Last January I reported Secretary of State Collin Powell said the United States was prepared to push the Road Map on Israel (Read commentary here). Here is part of what I wrote:

He (Powell) actually suggested that the US would push Israel into accepting the Quartet's Road Map. Powell said, "the Bush administration intended to push ahead vigorously with a peace plan devised in conjunction with European leaders.

Well, it looks like that's what may be happening. The fact is, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is still making the singing, four-headed beast mad. I'm talking about the Quartet -- that strange alliance of the US, the EU, the UN and Russia that are trying to bring peace to the Middle East. How? According to the Israelinsider, Sharon is:

Not evacuating unauthorized outposts in the territories, is expanding settlements and is continuing with construction of the security fence (Read about it here).

Why is Sharon willing to make this four-headed beast so mad. As I reported in my first commentary about this, Sharon,  the head of a tiny nation smaller than California, believes the Quartet -- the world's four greatest powers -- is irrelevant. 

In my last commentary I said about this same situation: 

Instead of gentle persuasion, the beast (Ouartet) has decided to change tactics a little -- its decided to push. And, as you know, it's not far from a push to a shove.

Well, it looks like shove time is here. As you know, the UN Security Council just passed a resolution endorsing the Road Map. At the same time president Bush gave a speech slamming Israel and demanding dismantlment of the security fence being built to defend the settlers.

I will end this commentary how I ended the first one:

When Saddam's Iraq became a threat to Israel's existence, God stepped in to protect Israel. 

Question: Will the Quartet take Iraq's place and become the next threat to Israel?

You see, when Bush comes to shove, God could step in again.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.