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Moses couldn't understand why two Hebrew brothers were fighting (Exodus 2: 13-14). After all, they both were in bondage to Egypt, and they both needed God's deliverance. I'm not Moses. But, I feel much the same. What I see coming will impact every true child of God. What are we doing about it? We're fighting with each other. When persecution comes, we won't be concerned over the things we now argue. There will only be one issue -- if you belong to Christ or not. There will be no in-between. There will be no shades of gray. There will be only a yes or a no. It will be to us a door that's opened, or a door that's slammed closed. Friends, the Bible tells us, in the end-times, there will be two beasts that rise to oppress God's people (Revelation chapter 13). The first beast will come from the sea, the second from the earth. The first beast is commonly identified as the Antichrist. The second the False Prophet. It's the latter beast that concerns me the most. Why? Because, it's the second beast that enforces the mark -- the one we'll have to take in order to buy or sell. And, it's the second beast that will have so many of God's saints killed. While we've been busy fighting, a 10-nation alliance has appeared in Western Europe. After this alliance, an office appeared among them -- identified with the biblical number 666. Then, the person holding this new office set out to do what the prophecies foretold -- revive the Roman Empire, build up his military and civilian capabilities, and achieve an area of peace and prosperity over the Mediterranean. Now, according to these reports, a religious element is being added to his already comprehensive peace-keeping, peace-making capabilities Read about it here I And here I And here. Not only is this religious element necessary for his revived Roman Empire, it's also necessary for his new, international order that's being established in the UN. Where are God's children? We're busy fighting. 03-30-06