Today's news reminds me of that song from the sixties about the elusive butterfly of love. In my mind I see two men with nets chasing after a butterfly. But, instead of it being the butterfly of love, it's the butterfly of peace. And, it's every bit as elusive. Yesterday I reported that Spain -- along with France and Italy -- have introduced a peace initiative that they want to present to the EU heads at their December summit Read about it here. Well, today it's being reported that the U.S. also has a peace initiative in the works. And, the U.S. wants to present their plan in Jordan at the end of November Read about it here. In other words, the two men I see chasing that butterfly of peace are Spain's Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and America's George Bush. If you recall yesterday's commentary, I suggested the idea that the key players in the Middle East peace process may have already come to an agreement. I still suspect that may be the case. However, that doesn't necessarily mean all the players are on exactly the same page. You see, the EU's Mediterranean bordering nations -- like Spain, France and Italy -- have a different outlook from that of the other EU states. Much as the U.S. has with Mexico, these nations have a serious security concern due to immigration coming from across the Mediterranean. If nothing else, I suspect Spain's initiative may build a fire under the U.S. and Israel. If they don't take the lead and get the peace process moving again, the EU and the international community are saying they will. So, now there isn't just one with a butterfly net -- there are two. If your wondering why my commentaries have been slower coming than normal, it's partly because I'm also working on updating FP's overview. And, Linda and I are also very busy attempting to get out the remaining requests for DVDs and CDs. One more thing: I may have finally come to peace regarding why so few have stood with me in reporting this news. If you have been a regular at FP, you know how long I have struggled with this question. Now that I may have my answer, I'm able to see those who remain silent about this information in a little different light. We all know that God is the One who gives insight. But, there is something we sometimes forget -- God is also the One who withholds it (Matt. 11:25). In the meantime, let's all sit back and watch the show. Let's watch them chase that butterfly of peace. 11-17-2006