Our Call From Kissinger I suspect Javier Solana and I have something in common. We both would like to be the one on the receiving end of a phone call from former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. I've had the chance to meet some very well known people. But none of them affected me the way Kissinger did. I was so impressed by the international, diplomatic stature of this amazing man I was standing beside, all I could think to say was, "I want you to know that I really respect you." I'm still embarrassed. The picture was taken in October of 1998. A year later, the man who was to become the first Mr. Europe appeared on the scene. It is said Kissinger once complained that when he wanted to call Europe, he didn't have anyone to call. To answer Kissinger's complaint, the EU heads decided to create an office for the first Mr. Europe. Javier Solana was appointed the EU's High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy in October of 1999. The reason I'm reviewing these past events is because they're occurring again. This time, we're being told the EU's new, super Foreign Minister will be the one Kissinger can call Read about it here. And once again, the man being referred to as this Mr. Europe is Javier Solana. Why is this all of so much interest to me? Well, for many years now it's been commonly held by students of Bible prophecy that a Mr. Europe is coming. This Mr. Europe will rise to power among a 10-nation alliance in Western Europe. He will somehow be associated with the number 666. And, he will be the foretold Antichrist. If you've read my book, Recommendation 666, you know I've documented how Solana's rise to where he is today is connected with a 10-nation alliance and the number 666. In November of 1999, Solana was appointed Secretary General of the 10-nation Western European Union (WEU) military alliance. And, in 2000, Solana and the French EU Presidency, moved the command structure of this alliance into the Council of Europe by implementing the WEU's Assembly Recommendation 666. This same document also gave Solana emergency powers. Does this mean I think Solana is the Antichrist? It's still too early to identify the Antichrist. You see, the Bible also tells us God is holding the appearance of the Antichrist back for the appointed time (2 Thessalonians 2:7). Let's see if this second Mr. Europe works. In the meantime, we'll both be waiting for our calls from Kissinger. 06-30-04