The United States may finally be waking up. As I've been reporting, British Prime Minister Tony Blair surprised everybody be throwing in with the anti-American EU factions who want to create an independent military command outside NATO. And, the Bush administration is reacting by calling for an emergency meeting of NATO on Monday (Read about it here). What is the United States waking up about? Well, I think the writers for the EUoberver may have hit the nail more squarely on the head than even they realize when they said there was a cat among the pigeons. Their report says: France, Germany and the UK, who have put the cat among the pigeons by working on a common defense paper, have been joined by Belgium (Read about it here). The writers of the report are talking about what's going on in the EU's very important Inter-governmantal Conference in Rome. At this conference the EU heads are attempting to come to an agreement over the proposed Draft Constitution and what shape the new, super EU will take. And, observers are noticing things going in an unexpected direction. To understand the situation in Rome, it helps to keep in mind that the builders of this super EU are heading down two separate -- but related -- tracks. On one track the EU heads are working on the new governmental structures necessary for an enlarged union, and on another track they are working on a new defense structure. And, it is my opinion the defense structure track is where we students of Bible prophecy need to be watching. Here's why: The Bible tells us this revived Roman Empire will have 10-horns. Horns in prophecy mean power -- usually military power. This is why it has been commonly believed the day would come when a 10-nation military alliance would appear in the area of the old Roman Empire. And, this event actually occurred on January 1, 1995 when Greece became the 10th member state of the Western European Union. On July 1, 2000, France -- one of the 10 nations -- installed this 10-nation alliance into the Council of Europe under the direction of the EU's first High Representative, Javier Solana. What makes matters even more interesting, France accomplished this historic event by implementing the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666. Now there's a fierce battle going on in Rome over who will end up in control of this new, super EU. Suddenly, we hear the United States is calling for an emergency meeting of NATO and, at the same time, the EUobserver is reporting a surprise change on the second track. There's a cat among the pigeons. 10/17/2003