What Herb thinks
Center of Gravity

I'm still waiting for news about the recent talks in Washington. In the mean time, the EU's Javier Solana had some interesting comments. He said:

The peace process has to be at the center of gravity of whatever initiative is taken in the future Read about it here.

Evidently, Solana said this after meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. In other words, immediately following Solana's visit with officials in Washington, Solana paid a quick visit to Mubarak. And this brings up some interesting questions.

For example, was Solana delivering Mubarak some kind of message from Bush -- such as: We're going to bring democracy to your region with you, or without you.

And this brings up another question. Has Solana and the EU agreed to support what Bush wants to do. It sounds like it. Regarding implementing Bush's plan Solana said:

It has to be in parallel with putting as much energy on the resolution of the peace process, otherwise it would be very difficult to have success.

And Solana went on to say:

We know very well reforms are difficult. It is much easier to say than to do it.

Here's what I'm beginning to think: The EU and the US have agreed to work together. The EU wants the settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And the US wants to bring democracy to the entire region. So, they're going to do both.

And it look's like Solana and the Bible finally agree about something.

Israel has become the center of gravity.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.