What Herb thinks
Changing of the Heads

Today, the EU beast is once again changing heads. As you know, the EU beast has 25 little, rotating heads now. Every six months these heads rotate so each one can have a turn at directing the beast. The result is, each six months the poor creature begins in a different direction.

For the last six months, the beast's Irish head was in control. And the EU beast -- and all its little heads -- were well pleased with the Irish head's leadership. The Irish head actually got the beast somewhere. It got the beast a new Constitution and a new Commission President Read about it here.

Now, it's the beast's Dutch head's turn. And the Dutch head has a horn. Taken alone, that's not a bad thing. You see, the EU beast needs horns -- the more the better. It's a dangerous world in which to navigate. And, without horns, the beast can't protect itself.

But there are some problems. Firstly, the beast only has 10 heads with horns. And, these 10 heads with horns believe they should have more say over the direction of the beast than the other heads that don't have horns. After all, the heads with horns are the ones the beast will call on should danger arise.

And secondly, the 10 horns have their own leader -- you could say another horn. But, this eleventh horn is different from the others. It is smaller and it doesn't have a head.

Now it's understandable a fighting force of 10 horns would require their own leadership. But, the introduction of another leader for a beast that already has 25 heads at the helm has presented some directional difficulties that must be overcome. 

Perhaps hope is in sight. As it turns out, the next two little heads in rotation for the helm of the beast also have horns. Which means, the EU beast could have at least one and a half years where it will be able to steer a straight course. In other words, the EU beast may once again be able to get somewhere.

However, for these three horns to steer a straight course, something will be required.

The little horn must have control.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.