Wanting to understand God's plans regarding the time for the restoration of Jerusalem, the prophet Daniel turned to the writings of the prophet Jeremiah. Daniel noticed that God said through Jeremiah that Jerusalem's desolation would last seventy years (Daniel 9:1). What's interesting to me is the fact that Daniel was himself a prophet. In fact, of all the Old Testament Jewish prophets, there were none greater than Daniel. Never the less, when Daniel wanted to understand God's will concerning Jerusalem, he turned to examine what God had already said in His written word. According to Jeremiah's writings, the time for Jerusalem's restoration appeared to be near. So, just like you and I after we've finished reading our morning Bible, Daniel kneeled before his God in prayer. But, this time Daniel's prayer was different -- it was about what Jeremiah's word's had set burning in his heart -- God's promise of restoration for his people and their holy city after seventy years. And, seventy years had passed. Why am I writing about something that happened so long ago? Because, after Daniel prayed, not only did God send the angel Gabriel to assure him that God would keep His promise, the angel also revealed to Daniel God's plans for Jerusalem far into the future, all the way until the time of the end -- our time (Daniel 9:24-27). Looking at these passages, we pick up today where it says: "And he (the prince who will come) will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction; one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate" (Daniel 9 :27 New American Standard Bible). Here's why I'm bringing this all to your attention: Yesterday I had a DEBKA report emailed to me. According to this report, in one brilliant move the European Union's High Representative, Javier Solana, may have just checkmated both Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and United States president George W. Bush (Read about it here). You see, I have reason to suspect Solana was the primary intellect behind the formation of the international group called the Quartet, and the creation of the Road Map Middle East peace plan. And, now it appears Solana may have come up with a way to use the United Nations Security Council to force his Road Map plan down Israel's throat without the US being able to do anything to stop him. I haven't had time to check out the reliability of the DEBKA report. However, if it turns out to be accurate -- and I suspect it is -- the implications for Israel and God's people are sobering. Here's my point: I believe as I write the stage is being set for the seven-year agreement between Israel and the Roman prince that is to come -- the Antichrist. And, it appears it's being set by Javier Solana. Stay tuned! 5/16/2003