What Herb thinks
Chirac Pitches Solana World

Yesterday French President Jacques Chirac gave a speech to the U.N. General Assembly where he appeared to be giving support to the Bush administration's request for a Security Council resolution for international help in rebuilding Iraq (Chirac's speech).

If you've been following my commentaries, you know I was expecting France would end up supporting America. However, I suspected France would have a price. And, I speculated the price that America would have to pay for French support would be an agreement to send NATO (European) forces into Israel to help resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

I think I may have been right. Immediately after he gave French support for the American resolution, Chirac called for the same type of international intervention in the Middle East. 

Here's what Chirac said:

In the Middle East, ravaged by despair and hatred, a strong political will alone, on both sides, to implement the law, as stipulated by the United Nations, will pave the way to a just and lasting solution. The international community must restore a dynamic for peace, it must involve itself in the implementation of the road map. That should be the objective of the upcoming meeting of the quartet to be held at the ministerial level.

However, international involvement in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict wasn't the only thing Chirac was calling for in his speech. Chirac was also calling for a recommitment to the establishment of international law and order, and an overhaul of the UN Security Council.

How did he want to overhaul the Security Council? It appears Chirac wants to increase the number of permanent members from five nations to that magic number of Bible prophecy -- 10. Chirac explained:

The primary responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security (peace and safety) lies with the Security Council. It is therefore essential to its legitimacy that its composition reflect the state of the world. It must be expanded to include new permanent members because the presence of major countries is necessary. France naturally is thinking of Germany and Japan, but also of some leading countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Here's why this is so fascinating to me. As I've been reporting, on June 19 the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, delivered his new, 10-page security doctrine to the EU heads at their summit in Greece. It was titled, "A Secure Europe in a Better World." 

Solana's doctrine had three basic parts. First, it called for the EU to contribute more resources to establishing economic and political stability in their neighborhood. Second, it called on the EU to build an international order. And third, it called for the EU to strengthen its civil and military capacity to deal with the threat of weapons of mass destruction and rogue states. And, the moment the EU heads heard it, they all fell in love with it.

Next, Solana traveled to Washington for the EU/US summit. Soon the US had signed a treaty that had Solana's new EU security doctrine written all over it.

A few days later it was announced that Solana had negotiated a treaty between the EU, NATO and Russia that would establish a pan-European catastrophe center. This huge center would include both civilian and military elements from every nation on the European continent.. 

Now French President Jacques Chirac gave a speech to the U.N. General Assembly where he appeared to be giving French support to the American resolution for help in Iraq. However, when you read his speech, you realize he was doing something much more.

Chirac was pitching Solana World


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.