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Readers at FulfilledProphecy already know something incredible happened at the recent EU/US summit. Javier Solana, the man who's rise in the EU is connected in two places with the number 666, has had the civil, police and military resources of all 25 EU states placed at his disposal. But, when we take a close look at some other results from the summit, we find something else happened that's incredible. The EU and the US have agreed to use Javier Solana's 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace as the basis for bringing peace to the Mediterranean Basin. A report from the Kuwait News Agency puts it this way: In the final declaration issued following the American-EU summit
in Vienna on Wednesday, the two sides expressed support for the Barcelona
Process, the European neighbourhood policy, the partnership in the Middle
East initiative and joint measures in the Middle East and North Africa
as well as the Fund for Future Financing
The above was taken almost word for word from the joint declaration posted at the official White House Website. In a paragraph placed near the top, the document reads: We will continue to support reform in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East and will promote greater participation of civil society in the reform process through our respective efforts, including the Barcelona Process, the European Neighbourhood Policy, the Middle East Partnership Initiative, and our joint actions through the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative and the Foundation and Fund for the Future Read it here. If you want a little more information about how this strategic partnership between the EU and US came about, you can read about it here. However, as far as we students of Bible prophecy are concerned, how it came about isn't really important. What's important is that it has, and it appears to be a literal fulfillment of what was foretold in the book of Daniel. You see, I believe the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Barcelona Process could be the covenant with many spoken of in Daniel 9:27. I also believe the European Neighbourhood Policy could very well be the confirming process that's referred to in the above passage. And, I believe the EU's coming budget period could be the seven-year period mentioned in the verse. Now, not only do we find the man behind the covenant with many and the seven-year confirming process having the combined civil, police and military assets of the 25 EU states placed at his disposal, we also have the world's last superpower agreeing to help him achieve his ultimate goal. Confirming a covenant. 06-23-06