What Herb thinks
Confused By These Changing Times?

The EU's recent failure to adopted the new, super constitutions has sure caused a lot of confusion. A commentary on a popular end-times Website even went so far to say this event may have set back the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies for a time.

Not only are some students of prophecy confused, many European leaders are confused by this event too. According the EUobserver, the president of the EU Commission, Romano Prodi, thinks this failure to adopt the new constitution could lead the EU to the "sidelines of history" (Read about it here).

And at the same time, the EU's new top military officer General Gustav Hagglund is suggesting this break down in Europe's political integration shouldn't stop the new agreements reached in the area of defense from going forward. The general argues that unlike the talks on political integration that failed, the talks on deeper defense integration were very successful (Read about it here).

So, will this lead to that core group we've been expecting here at FulfilledProphecy? In my last commentary, I noted how it was beginning to look like this core group could end up being seven out of Javier Solana's 10 nations WEU alliance. Now there appears to be a problem with this idea. According to the first report, only France and Germany are in favor of creating a core defense group outside the EU treaties. The report says:

While France and Germany have indicated they will take the lead to form a core Europe, they have been abandoned by some of the other founding members of the EU (the other four are the Benelux countries and Italy) - generally supposed to have a more or less common vision on these issues.

In other words, although for the most part the EU nations are in agreement over needing a stronger defense wing, some members don't want to see it created outside the EU as France and Germany are suggesting. 

Now, does this suggest we should be confused by these changing times too? I don't think so -- at least not yet. You see, I've been expecting this core defense group to appear, but not outside the EU as France and Germany want. I expect to see this core group appear within the existing structures created by Javier Solana within the Council of Europe. In other words, within the Western European Union military alliance.

I suspect it's just like that song on Roy's Changing Times CD says:

It's coming down Lord.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.